Продолжает работу научный семинар «Прикладные задачи системного анализа» под руководством академика А. Б. Куржанского.
Очередной семинар пройдёт в понедельник 7 октября в 1620, ауд. 524.
С докладом на тему "Scattering-based stabilization of complex interconnections of dissipative systems with time delays" выступит научный сотрудник Института математики и механики им. Н.Н. Красовского УрО РАН, к.ф.-м.н., PhD Усова А.А.
The talk is devoted to a method for scattering-based stabilization of networks of QSR-dissipative systems in the presence of multiple heterogeneous communication delays. First part of the presentation provides a brief overview of the existing techniques applied for stabilizing
Next, it is demonstrated that, for a wide class of dissipative systems with quadratic supply rates, the finite-gain stability of complex interconnections with multiple time delays can be achieved through an appropriate design of local scattering transformations. Finally, a numerical example and simulation results are presented in support of the theoretical developments.